Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I've Got A Secret!!

I've got a secret!!! No mom, I'm not pregnant. I am so excited, we are releasing three new Shimmerz colors starting Aug. 15th. They are perfect for the fall season. I won't say what the new colors are just yet, but no one will be disappointed. They are limited and only available for a short time, and they are unlike any colors we've had before. YEAH! Keep watching, and I'll spill the beans soon on the color names.

I got a new toy yesterday. I got a Cannon Rebel camera and can't wait to use it. I was going to go out today to break it in, but thought otherwise because 1. it's so stinkin hot, and 2. I deemed today an "ugly" day. An "ugly" day is when you get out of bed, brush your teeth, put on really comfy clothes, put your hair up into a ponytail, and call it an "ugly" day. There is no make-up, no fussing with the hair, no carefully choosing an outfit (which is hard for me because I can't make decisions) and no going outside the house, because I don't want to scare small children. I love "ugly" days, and don't get them very often. So I take advantage of it when I can. Gracie came into my room this morning, took one look at me and said,"Mommy, are we just going to be ugly today?" I said, "You bet, and we're going to make the most of it." She just laughed said I was silly and went on her way. So soon enough I will venture out and play with my new toy.


Niki Estes said...

Oh, I can't wait to find out what the new colors are for fall, Stacey! Have a great weekend!

Lori Barnett said...

Hi Stacey! I just discovered your blog. I was drooling over a card that Cami had posted on her blog and then found my way here. I've never heard of your product...but after that AWESOME post that Cami wrote about it I'm wanting EVERY color!!! Just when I though I had all the cool stuff....I find more :) LOL OK...I'm gonna go get my kido off to school and come back and check out all the goods. I'll probably wait till the the new fall colors come out and then order! :)

Jann said...

I LOVED your "Ugly Day"!!!!!
That is the best anaolgy I have heard in eons my dear! LOL We all should have "ugly days" here and there. In fact I had one yesterday.
I m anxious to use the shimmer paints as Kimmie Ross showed them to me this past week and I thought they were fantastic! And soooo many ways to use them. I can't wait!!! So here's to you my dear for a great invention of "shimmer"...which we will all enjoy....a GREAT and fantastic "Ugly Day" and I just got a Cannon Rebel, too. Just last week...and I am WAY anxious to go out and use it. We'll have to swap "you know what you can do's" with each other about our camera's!
Have a wonderful Tuesday Stacey!
Jann Neiers-Squires

Michelle ~ said...

hi stacey, I love love your shimmerz paints (via K. Ross & L. Renn). I can't wait to get my hands on some!!! congrats on your camera!! you will love it. Mine is attached to my hip these days. It's a great camera! enjoy and have a great day