Monday, January 26, 2009

I Have Seen the Light

I have seen the sun! I had the most amazing morning. I dropped Sami off at BSU this morning and was then able to go have the morning all to myself. I stopped by Starbucks, got a huge cup of coffee, then went to the park and sat in the sunlight and read my Bible. I was able to enjoy the quiet and the sun. I walked in the park and breathed in the cold air. I watched the ducks swimming in the fridged water and the squirrels scamper in the snow. It was so wonderful! I feel like a new person. I learned today that I really need to stop every now and then, and just be me. I also learned that I need to spend some peaceful time with my maker, to reflect on just how much He loves me. I wish the same for you!


Audrey said...

So glad that you had some time today to relish and reflect God's beauty and to spend time with Him. Glad the sun was out also, what beautiful pictures!
Thanks so much for sharing!

Andrea said...

That sounds like the perfect morning. Don't you wish you could get away like that and spend time with the Lord, in His creation, every single day.

Hearing Sami and BSU in the same sentence scares me! Time goes by way too fast.

Christine said...

What a gorgeous view of God's creation, Stacey! I agree that we all need to step back more often than once and be able to enjoy all that the Lord has graciously given to us.

What a blessing to know that you had the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed in the time you spent with Him as you reflected on His abundant love for you!

Thank you so much for sharing this moment! :)

Jessica Diedrich said...

Wow, what a great post. I've been feeling like it's been a little too gloomy lately too and the sun was out today and even though I'm inside w/ sick kiddos, I felt renewed. What a great morning-you, coffee, and the Bible...I need to spend more mornings like that!!!